

I have done a picture dictionary about flags. In my opinion to know flags of different countries is very important due to it is a form to identify the countries. To create bthis picture dictionary we decided to work with calameo, a page that creates picture dictionaries. I think that it is really nice.
I hope you like it!!


As you all know, we are working with a school of Turkey comparing their culture with the Basque culture. To see the differences and the similarities we decided to create a questionarie. After knowing the results of the questiner, I decided to create a text explaining the differnces and similarities.
Heare you have the text and the questionarie.
I hope you like it!!!

Speakin about the time that we pass watching TV most of us we see the TV everyday, and the %50 of them don´t see. Talking about school, all ones we have the similar hour to get up, but them they spend more hours at school, that us. Whereas they spend 8hour per day, we spend 6 hours. WIth regard to sport and friend, all of us we have a group of friends, everybody do some sport but two students don´t practice some sport.

Regarding consoles, the porcentage of peole that have a console is the %66. There is not a big difference between the Basque students and the Tuskish students, is clear that nowadays everybody have a console. What is clear is that they play more instruments than us. 13 basque students don´t play any instrument, and only four of them don´t play any strument.

Speaking about extra classes, the mojirity of Basque studets do a exta class, that in the most of the casses is english, but there are very few students of Turkey that do some extra class. I suppost that heare is more comun to do extra activities and there is more rare to strat studing in a extra class, so I suppose that they study only at home.

Ando to finish, I want to say that there are more religious that us. They have more custom to pray. It Turkey are more people that i religious, but the most difference is that there, young people is also religious, and they used to go to pray, but in the Basque Country the most of the young people is not religious.

As a conclusion, is clear that speaking about the new tecnology we have a lot of similarities, but speaking about culture and tradition, this two countries, and its citicens are very differents.